Mitsubishi PLC motor servo system

Jinzhi optical fiber cable used in Mitsubishi PLC motor servo system

Mitsubishi Electric J4·J3 series SSCNETⅢ optical fiber


The optical fiber connector


Mitsubishi Electric J4·J3 series SSCNETⅢ fiber jumper


Application of Ryo servo motor    

1. Mitsubishi MITSUBISHI SSCNET III cable is suitable for MR-J3\J4-B servo amplifier;
2. MR-J4W2-B\MR-J4W3-B multi-axis integrated servo amplifier;
3. Servo CN1A is used to connect servo controller or front axle servo amplifier;
4. Servo CN1B is used to connect the rear axle of the servo amplifier.   

Application diagram:



HPCS large core diameter long distance fiber optic cable used in Mitsubishi Electric series    

DL-72/CA7003 200/230mm fiber optic connector    



Optical cable specifications: AS-A (in yellow cabinet), AS-B (in orange indoor), AS-D (in black outdoor) 

Sumitomo 2-FOD-V (in orange indoor), 2-D-LAP (in black outdoor)


The product is suitable for:    

1. OKUMA CNC optical fiber, Hitachi PLC, Fuji PLC, Mitsubishi QJ71LP21-25, QJ71LP21S-25, QJ72LP25-25, GT15-J71LP23-25, Q80BD-J71LP21-25,

2. Q81BD-J71LP21-25, Q80BD-J71LP21S-25, QJ72LP25, A1SJ71QLP21, AJ71QLP21, A1SJ71QLP21S, AJ71QLP21S, A1SJ71LP21,

 3. AJ71LP21, A1SJ72QLP25, AJ72QLP25, AJ72LP25, etc.  

CC-Link fiber optic cable application Mitsubishi Electric open fieldbus

CC-Link (Control & Communication Link, control and communication link system) is an open field bus newly introduced by Mitsubishi Electric, with large data capacity, multi-level optional communication speed, and it is a device layer-based system. network, which can also cover higher-level control layers and lower-level sensing layers




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